Advising & Teacher Education Success

Here to help you succeed

In the College of Education Advising and Teacher Education Success Office -- or CATS Office -- we have one goal: your success. We're here for you throughout your academic journey with the guidance and resources you need.

Contact Us

Office: 151 Schindler Education Center.
Phone: (319) 273-2265

How CATS Can Help 

The CATS Office and our professional advisors assist with: 

College of Education advising and support

  • Advising for students exploring or choosing these undergraduate majors and related minors:
    • early childhood education
    • elementary education
    • recreation, tourism and nonprofit leadership
  • Class planning and registration for College of Education majors

If you're a student with a secondary teaching major, you should reach out to your college-based advisors for general advising assistance with your core academic major. If unsure where to turn, the CATS Office can help get you to the right place. 

‌UNI Teacher Education support

  • Admission to UNI Teacher Education
  • Requirements leading to licensure, including the FORT test for elementary education majors
  • Clinical placements
  • Progress monitoring