Foundation News
Thanks to your support, another successful year closed June 30 for the College of Education. Gifts large and small contributed to professional development efforts like the Institute for Educational Leadership, Bill and Linda Tubbs Teaching Connections and the new Social and Emotional Learning Conference.
Scholarships supported hundreds of students and faculty once again had additional funding to support their presentations at national conferences. Whether through end-of-year giving or efforts including the annual "Live Purple. Give Gold," your support made a difference.
The college also said farewell to Kim Hanna ('04), director of development, after four years with UNI. Announcement of a new director is pending. In the meantime, interested in how you can support the College of Education? Contact Nathan Clapham, UNI Foundation,, 319-273-5468.

Phalen Selected for Strottman Memorial Scholarship
Dubuque Senior graduate Miah Phalen (front, seated) is the 2022-23 recipient of the Sally Gearhart Strottman Memorial Scholarship in Elementary Education. Phalen's teachers and classmates helped her celebrate with family when Associate Dean Oksana Grybovych Hafermann and Director of Development Kim Hanna stopped by to recognize her accomplishment. The $10,000 scholarship, renewable annually, goes to a Northeast Iowa senior with a commitment to teaching.
2021-22 Donor Roll
Thank you to the following donors who made cash contributions to the college between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022. Names with (*) indicate Dean’s Inner Circle members, who gave $1,000 or more to the Dean’s Fund for Excellence. Names in bold indicate UNI Legacy Society members.
Cedar Valley Medical Specialists PC
Reece Conrad & Dr. Donna Raschke
Kern Family Foundation
Jeri & Rick Levi
RJ McElroy Trust
Suzanne & Duncan Mellichamp
Waterloo Schools Foundation
Holly & John Becker
Susan W. Bescher
Pamela I Breithaupt
Don & Dianna Briggs
Patty & Kenneth Budke
James & Brenda Clancy
JoLeen Eiklenborg
Donald H. Goering
Betty Hyde
Gil & Kris Irey
Darlene & John Nelson
Michael Oberle
Kevin & Terri Saville
Cedar Valley United Way
Charles J Walker
Kent and Pam Wessely
Ronald & Beverly Crooks*
Marilyn Dudley
David & Barbara Else
Joan Gill
Pat Jessen
Audra & Paul Mockovak*
Carol Phillips
Rice University - HERC
MaryAnn & Richard Rosonke
Arlo & Susan Sime*
Veridian Credit Union
Chuck & Lynn Patten
Gale Wiedow & Laura Horton
Darrell & Deborah Anderson*
David & Beth Baker
Tom & Kimberly Bakey*
Steve L. Bakker
Raymond & Sandra Benter*
Richard & Maribelle Betterton
Rose & Jeff Blank
Joann & D. Weston Boyd
Robert J. Brown*
Tyrone Bruce
Jean Brye*
Donna & Richard Butikofer*
Janet Byram
C&T Properties
Bill Callahan
Patrick W. Carley*
Janice & John Chrystal
Michelle & Ryan Clark
Dennis C. Cryer
Allen & Nancy DeWalle*
Karen F. Dole
Sharon & Ric DuBois
Wayne & Connie Eggleston
Judith & Dick Ela
Fleming Sisters Fund
Stephen Fortgang
Len & Gail Froyen
Matthew & Stacy Gary
Robert & Charlene George
Kyle & Payten Gerjerts
Carol Glass & Jerry Rewerts
Elton & June Green
GreenState Credit Union
Ramona & John Hall
Happy Kayaking
Kevin & Lorna Harberts
Harman Family Charitable Trust
Shirley Hewlett
Roark Horn
Steve and Glenda Howard
Randy Ingram & Kathy Tanner Ingram*
Pamela Jacobs
Mary Kaiser-Smith
James L. Kelly
June King
Betty J. Kingery*
Mrs. Joye Kohl
Bob & Cherin Lee
Martinson Construction Company Inc.
Dora McLellan Memorial Fund
Myrtle Merritt
David & Rebecca Nation
Kenneth Nelson
Beverly Olofson*
Patrick & Lois O’Rourke
M. Susan Pagel
Catherine & Reid Richards*
State Farm Companies Foundation (Matching Gift)*
Jerry Rewerts
Dr. William Henry Riess
Donna J. Schlampp*
Maryann Schnur*
Craig & Natalie Schumacher
Arlene Schwarzenbach
See What I Mean LLC
Judith Shaver
Marilyn Sill
Robert A. Sloan Fund
Dick & Linda Smith
Jean Trainor
William F. & Linda Z. Tubbs
Karen Ultis
Lois von Berg
Mike & Rita Waggoner
Ann & Mark Wagoner
Dianne & Doug Whittle
Barry & Jane Wilson
Sharon Wulfekuhle-Hefel*
Judy & Richard Yerian*
Iradge Ahrabi-Fard
Jim & Carol Brannon
Carole Cahill
Brett and Lisa Carson
Carol & Jeff Dick
Julianne Gassman & Kevin Bown
Nicholas & Glenda Hellenthal
JuLayne Hoffmeier & Carolynn Munson
Karen K Jessen
Levi Architecture
Colleen & Jarvis Mulholland
Thomas Pearson
Diane & Bruce Perry
Rydell Chevrolet
Patricia & Jeff Seinwill
Kathy Shelton
John & Nancy Sonka
Michael & Deb Stiles
Peggy Shea & David Traeger
Steven J. Swenson & Ann L. Dalton
Nancy M Van Anne
Jacky & Jerry Venenga
Rachel S. Benton
Darlene F. Biggers
Loretta & Theodore Blaesing
Dawn & Robert Boyd
Larry & Sherry Bradley
Donald & Ardelle Brown
Helen & Donald Coffin
Scott Connerley
Carol & Stephen Daggs
Dominic & Haley Davis
Rebecca A. Davis
Gail & Craig Eichstadt
Judy Evans
Donna L. Frerichs
Lois & Timothy Fulton
Anna Javellan & Lucas Hartleben
Neil & Jacquelyn Hattlestad
Ken L. Heflin
Jack & Frances Heller
Gerald & Mary Hoard
Thomas & Donnelle Hoover
Robert Huber & Lyn Countryman
Thomas & Fran Hutton
Marlene V. Johnson
LeRoy & Susan Kester
Rachel & Steven Kuhtz
Donald & Margaret McCullough
Helen & Larry McKay
Kevin Milroy & Mary Gaffney Milroy
Lillian Nichols
Sheryl & Thomas L. Nixt
Jon and Lori Ochsner
Joyce & Richard Rath
Roberta & Randy Rickey
John & Linda Rowland
Kim & Ronnie Smith
Marcia Street
Genevieve Van Dorn
Jesssica & Jeremiah Van Dyke
USA Weightlifting Inc.