A Change in Experience





Remote learning even for internships during COVID-19 On March 11, the 11th message on COVID-19  on University of Northern Iowa’s prepare.uni.edu website read: “UNI Temporarily Shifts to Exclusive Online Courses After Spring Break.” 

When students returned to classes on March 23, life had changed, for everyone. And we now know the “temporary” shift is not permanent, but remains through the summer as planning for a return to on campus classes August 17 is under way. 

This transition to remote learning had a profound impact on students, faculty and supporting staff. Learning was different -- not only for coursework, but for another hallmark of College of Education preparation: experience in the field. 

As the planning for a return to campus continues, a look back at a surprising spring: 

Finding Alternatives for the Field

Staying on Track with Internships

Learning to Assess and Care via Telehealth