SLIK-12 School Librarians Google Group
SLIK-12 School Librarians in Iowa K-12 is a teacher librarian Google group. All teacher librarians in Iowa may join this electronic forum. The audience for this discussion group will typically be teacher librarians who work in K-12 schools in Iowa. The purpose of this group is to facilitate professional communication among Iowa teacher librarians, provide mentoring, disseminate research findings, discuss intellectual freedom and share applications of the Internet and other online services.
Although this discussion group is hosted by the Division of School Library Studies in the College of Education at the University of Northern Iowa, nothing posted in this discussion group should be considered an endorsement of the opinions or information communicated by the posting party by the University of Northern Iowa, its College of Education, its Division of School Library Studies or its faculty and staff.
SLIK-12 is a public, unmoderated discussion group through Google Groups.