
Making Literacy Transformative

A central focus of our research at the Richard O. Jacobson Center for Comprehensive Literacy (JCCL) is to explore how comprehensive literacy can be transformative -- for individuals, for families, in communities, and in reshaping systems. 

Beyond its conventional concept as a set of reading, writing and counting skills, literacy is now understood as a means of identification, understanding, interpretation, creation, and communication in an increasingly digital, text-mediated, information-rich and fast-changing world.

UNESCO, 2021,

Research Practice Partnerships

We value partnering with schools and community organizations to develop our research projects. It is this work that has the potential to be truly transformative because it occurs where the most impact and sustainability can occur. One current RPP is our ScICAM project with colleagues in Kentucky and Washington State.

Broadening Definitions of Literacy

How often have you heard the term literacy used in these contexts: Financial literacy? Science literacy? Civic literacy? The term literacy is ever changing and continues to broaden beyond simple definitions of literacy as putting marks on the page and being able to say the words. Here in the JCCL, we are exploring these broadening definitions.

Teachers' Thinking and Decision Making

Teachers working as our collaborators in research is critical to our mission at the JCCL. We listen to what teachers think about current practices and trends, what questions we should be asking and what concerns do they have about literacy education. Two studies that informed our work -- the what teachers need project and the pandemic impact study – provided insight into teacher thinking and future direction for our professional learning opportunities. Do you know how many ways teachers talk about time?