Shuaib Meacham, PhD
Associate Professor, Literacy Education
SEC 107B
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Shuaib Meacham, PhD
Associate Professor, Literacy Education
LITED3121 Children's Literature for Diversity & Social Justice
LITED4117 Methods of Teaching Content Literacy at the Middle and Secondary Levels
LITED6212 Methods and Materials of Literacy Education
Hiphop integration in literacy education
21. Meacham, S. J. (In Press). Breakbeat Breakthroughs: Hip-Hop problem solving and adding flavor to the discursive mix within the context of community engagement. In Corey Dolgon, Tania Mitchell and Timothy Eatman (eds.) The Handbook for Publicly Engaged Scholarship. New York: Cambridge University Press.
20. Meacham, S. J. (In Press). Authenticity. In Cyrus M. Ellis and Jon Carlon (eds.), Resiliency, Strength and Manhood: Promoting the Healthy Development of African American Males. New York: Routledge Press.
19. Meacham, S. J. & Meacham, S. (2014). Shifting boundaries: Self-study, race, and the global dimensions of racist representations in children’s literature. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (pp. 265-268). Auckland, New Zealand: The University of Auckland. (ISBN 13: 978-0-473-28679-8) – International (with blind, peer review)
18. Meacham, S., Anderson, M. A., & Correa, C. (2013). Coining phrases for dollars: Jay Z, economic literacy and the educational impact of hip-hop’s entrepreneurial ethos. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 4(3), 69-82.
17. Meacham, S. J. (2008). The clash of common senses: Two African American women become teachers. In L. Delpit & J. Kilgour-Dowdy (eds.), The skin that we speak: Thoughts on language and culture in the classroom (pp. 179-202). New York: New Press.
16. Fecho, R. & Meacham, S. (2007) Research Sites as Transactional Spaces. In C. Lewis, P. Enciso, & E. Moje (eds.), Reframing sociocultural research on literacy: Identity, agency and power (210-228). New York: Routledge.
15. Meacham, S. J. (2004). Comments on Bakhtin and dialogic pedagogy. Journal of Russian and East European Psychology 42 (6), 82-85.
14. Hyland, N. E. & Meacham, S. J. (2004). Community knowledge-centered teacher education: A paradigm for socially just educational transformation. In J. L. Kincheloe, A. Bursztyn and S. R. Steinberg. (eds.), Teaching teachers: Building a quality school of urban education. (pp.113-34) New York, Peter Lang.
13. Meacham, S. J. (2003). Headwoman’s blues: Small group reading and the interaction of culture, gender, and ability. In A. I. Willis, G. E. Garcia, R. Barrera, & V. J. Harris (Eds.), Multicultural issues in literacy research and practice (pp. 49-68). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
12. Meacham, S. J. (2001). Vygotsky and the Blues: Re-reading cultural connections and conceptual development. Theory Into Practice, 40(3), 190-197. doi: 10.1207/s15430421tip4003_7
11. Meacham, S. J. (2000). Literacy at the crossroads: Movement, connection, and communication within the research literature on literacy and cultural diversity. Review of Research in Education, 25(1), 181-208. doi: 10.3102/0091732X025001181
10. Meacham, S. J. (2000). Black self-love, language, and the teacher education dilemma: The cultural denial and cultural limbo of African American preservice teachers. Urban Education, 34(5), 571-596. doi: 10.1177/0042085900345003
9. Meacham, S. J. (2000). Identity, purpose, and impact: Bebop innovators as intellectuals and models for African American academic success. In L. Jones (ed.), Retaining African American faculty (pp. 207-223). New York: Stylus Press.
8. Meacham, S. J. (2000). The spirit of a man. In L. Jones (ed.), Brothers of the Academy: Up and coming scholars earning our way in higher education (pp. 303-313). New York: Stylus.
7. Buendia, E., Meacham, S. J., & Noffke, S. E. (2000). Community, displacement, and inquiry: Living social justice in a social studies methods course. In D. W. Hursh and E. W. Ross (Eds.), Democratic social education: Social studies for social change (pp. 165-188). New York: Falmer.
6. Meacham, S. J. & Buendia, E. (1999). Modernism, postmodernism, and poststructuralism and their impact on literacy. Language Arts, 76(6), 510-516.
5. McCarthy, C., Buendia, E., Mills, C., Meacham, S., Godina, H., Wilson-Brown, C., Sefarian, M., & Souchet, T. (1999). “The last rational men: Citizenship, morality and the pursuit of human perfection. In J. Kinchloe & S. Steinberg (Eds.), Measured Lies: The Bell Curve Examined. (pp. 251-64). New York: St. Martin’s Press.
4. Meacham, S. J. (1998). Threads of a new language: A response to Eisenhart's 'on the subject of interpretive review' Review of Educational Research, 68(4), 401-407. doi: 10.3102/00346543068004401
3. Willis, A. I. & Meacham, S. J. (1997). Break Point: The Challenge of Teaching Multicultural Education Courses. The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives in Learning, 2, A0-49.
2. Mccarthy, C., Rodriguez, A. P., Buendia, E., Meacham, S., David, S., Godina, H., ... Wilson-Brown, C. (1997). Danger in the safety zone: Notes on race, resentment, and the discourse of crime, violence and suburban security. Cultural Studies, 11(2), 274-295. doi: 10.1080/09502389700490151
1. *Abdullah, S., Kambrelis, G., & McGinley, W. (1992). Literacy identity and resistance within the African -American slave community and some reflections for new forms of literacy pedagogy. National Reading Conference Annual Yearbook, 379-392.
*Name change in 1994.