Kong Chen

Kong Chen
Major/Job Title:
Doctor of Education, Allied Health, Recreation & Community Services ISA
Guangzhou, China
Class Year:

Kong Chen

Dissertation Title:
Case Study: Stakeholder Impact on Individual Development within a Transition Worksite Program

Tell us a little about your background. How did you end up at UNI?
A former Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services (HPELS) director introduced me to a master's program in HPELS at UNI. The major was my consideration for my undergraduate study. Therefore, I was grateful and excited for the opportunity to study something that I did not in my undergrad.

Why did you choose to pursue this degree at UNI?
The EdD will be my third degree (after two master's' from UNI. My acquaintance with the campus and the university, my love of Cedar Falls, and the faculty in the program helped me make the decision.

How did you choose your area of focus for your thesis or dissertation, if you did one? Why was this important to you?
I worked on a grant-funded project as a graduate assistant. That experience and my major gave me a rough idea of the dissertation topic on community services developing youth with disabilities. My dissertation chair and a former UNI faculty member worked with me to narrow down the current topic, which falls under the diversity, inclusion and equity umbrella. My previous exposure and understanding of working with and serving a population with disabilities were insufficient and vastly different from my graduate assistant experience. This focus expands my knowledge.

If you've had experience with a graduate assistantship, describe your position and what you've gained from that experience.
My position as a graduate assistant was to develop presentation material to advocate for universal design for learning and assistive technology. Among many things, it helped me understand learning differently is not a disability and there are practices to accommodate various learning needs.

What does completing your degree mean to you?
I'm finally done with degrees... for now :) It's a testament to my perseverance and inquiry.

What challenges did you face as you worked toward this degree – and how did you overcome them?
Since I'm a father of two, the challenges of balancing family and school were too many to list. In addition, since I was not on campus during the majority of my time working on the dissertation, communication has become something I need to work hard to maintain. For that, I am grateful to my committee members.

How did UNI help you achieve your goals?
UNI helped me financially as I was awarded an assistantship and several scholarships. The program's flexibility allowed me to take courses outside my discipline, but deemed vital to me. 

What’s your best memory of your time at UNI?
Academically, the class discussions with fellow students and faculty members. Outside school, I can't be the only one who enjoys the Iowa snow, can I?

What advice would you give to students considering UNI?
There are many rigorous academic programs at UNI. Thanks to the faculty members, the programs are strict to help you succeed instead of making you fail. Do your due diligence before excluding UNI from your shortlist.

What three adjectives describe yourself?
Logical, persistent, and conscientious.

What's next? 
I am done with advanced studies, although I wouldn't mind studying part-time for a graduate certificate or degree. I have a full-time position and am looking for faculty position opportunities.