Amanda Schmidt
Program Coordinator, Institute of Educational Leadership

SEC 525
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Amanda Schmidt
Program Coordinator, Institute of Educational Leadership
What attracted you to UNI?
I received my superintendency certificate from UNI and enjoyed my time spent in those classes earning my degree. The people I met and the education I received was of superior quality. The opportunity to work for UNI's College of Education to promote and support others in the field of administration and education is a dream come true!
Describe an experience that reinforces why you enjoy what you do.
The team that I will be working with is made up of impressive people in Iowa education. I am excited to learn from them and build relationships with them to support Iowa educators and administrators.
What drove your interest in your selected discipline?
I have always wanted to be a teacher. After teaching for a few years, I realized I wanted to affect more than just the students in my classroom. I wanted to support the adults that surrounded the students and guide more people to excellence. Administration and leadership were the next steps. After being a principal, I wanted to become a superintendent. Now that I have the opportunity, through UNI, to support many district administrators, I am excited about this new avenue of leadership and support.
BA, Northwestern College, Elementary Education, Reading & Coaching Endorsements, 1998
MS, Drake University, PreK-12 Administration & Evaluator Training, 2004
Advanced Studies Certificate (ASC), Superintendency, University of Northern Iowa, 2012
I have experience in very small, rural districts as a leader. I have also been a shared superintendent which is starting to occur more and more throughout the state.