Magdalena (Magda) Galloway, MA


Assistant Professor of Instruction, Learning Technology & Instructional Design

Magdalena Galloway

SEC 401C

(319) 273-3076

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Magdalena (Magda) Galloway, MA


Assistant Professor of Instruction, Learning Technology & Instructional Design


I am an Instructor in the Division of Learning Technologies at UNI’s College of Education. I teach Educational Technology & Design, Visual Literacy, and Creating Technology Enhanced Learning Environments for Curriculum & Instruction and Continuing Education. 

  • Google Certified Educator: Level 2 
  • Quality Matters trained
  • Safe Zone Ally
  • Master of Arts degree with thesis. Pedagogy with Media Education Specialization, Division of Educational Study, University of Adam Mickiewicz (UAM), Poznan, Poland.
  • Master of Arts degree with thesis. Communication and Training Technology, Division of Educational Technology, College of Education, University of Northern Iowa (UNI), USA
Teaching Interests

LRNTECH 1031 Educational Tech & Design
TEACHING 3159 Schooling and Inclusive Education in the 21st Century
INSTTECH 1030 Creating Technology Enhanced Learning Environment 
INSTTECH 1031 60 Educational Tech & Design 2+2
INSTTECH 1020: Secondary Educational Technology & Design
INSTTECH 4147 Digital Imaging
INSTTECH 4138 Visual Literacy

Research Interests

Confronting the post-pandemic normal in teacher education; Preparing Pre-service Teachers to Integrate Computer Science into the K-8 Classroom Environment; Creating an Inclusive Classroom through UDL; Visual Literacy in Designing Instructions. Designing Multimedia for Foreign and Multicultural audiences.