Karla Justice, EdD

Professor, School Library Studies

Karla Justice

SEC 610

(319) 273-7241

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Karla Justice, EdD

Professor, School Library Studies


I am associate professor in the division of school library studies within the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. I was formerly a teacher librarian at Southeast Webster Schools and at New Hampton High School. I joined the school library studies faculty in 2004. My professional interests are in preparing teacher librarians for K-12 schools across Iowa, and beyond. The UNI School Library Studies program reaches this effort through its distance and hybrid master's and endorsement options. My passion for school libraries is driven by the desire to work with students and other teachers to enable learners to gain a passion for reading, essential skills in research and information literacy, and a discerning approach as users of information.

I co-directed the INTIME project at UNI, a U.S. Department of Education Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology grant. Its website was chosen for the 101 Best Web Sites for Elementary Teachers by the International Society for Technology in Education. Through affiliations with the American Association of School Librarians, the Iowa Association of School Librarians, the Iowa Teacher Librarian Leadership team and work in administering a statewide Google group for school librarians of Iowa K-12 (SLIK-12) and the annual Iowa school library survey, I highly value the connections I make through UNI to lead and learn from teacher librarians throughout the state.


2008 University of Northern Iowa, Ed.D., Curriculum and Instruction
1996 University of Northern Iowa, M.A., Library Science
1992 Luther College, B.A., English/Secondary Education

Teaching Interests

Research in Library and Information Science
Practicum in School Libraries
Introduction to the School Library Program
Information Resources for Inquiry Learning
Children's Literature
Seminar in Web Design for the School Library Media Center
Seminar in Inquiry Learning and Information Literacy
Reference Services and Information Retrieval
Library Orientation

Research Interests

Inquiry learning through school libraries
School library curriculum standards and collaborative teaching

Master’s research papers I advise are often based upon a professional problem from students' teaching or teacher librarian practice, i.e. studying the depiction of race, gender, disability, family, etc. in selected youth literature as a means to build library collections and recommend books to teachers and students, or studies of inquiry teaching or growing a reading culture through independent reading recommendations, student self selection of books, book groups, etc.

Selected Peer Reviewed Publications:
Krueger, K., & Taylor, J. (2022). Discerning users of information: A qualitative analysis of student inquiry. Open Information Science, 6 (1), 74-94. https://scholarworks.uni.edu/facpub/5326/
Taylor, J., Hora, A., & Krueger, K. (2019). Self-selecting books in a children’s fiction collection arranged by genre. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(3), 852-865. https://scholarworks.uni.edu/facpub/473/
Downes, K., Krueger, K., & Taylor, J. (2017). Impact of a less restrictive circulation policy in an elementary library. Teacher Librarian, 45(1), 16-20. https://scholarworks.uni.edu/ci_facpub/22/
Guldager, N., Krueger, K., & Taylor, J. (2016). Reading promotion events recommended for elementary students. Teacher Librarian: The Journal for School Library Professionals, 43(5), 13-19. https://scholarworks.uni.edu/ci_facpub/5/
Bosma, K, Rule, A., & Krueger, K. (2013). Social studies content reading about the American Revolution enhanced with graphic novels. Social Studies Research and Practice, 8(1), 59-76. https://scholarworks.uni.edu/ci_facpub/16/
Krueger, K. & Donham, J. (2013). Professional staffing levels and fourth-grade student research in rural schools with high-poverty levels. School Library Research, 16, 1-25. https://scholarworks.uni.edu/ci_facpub/23/
Krueger, K. (2012). The status of statewide subscription databases. School Library Research, 15, 1-23. https://scholarworks.uni.edu/ci_facpub/24/
Professional Accomplishments
  • COE Faculty Award for Teaching--2021
  • Milestone Award for Outstanding Mentoring of Graduate Students, UNI Graduate College, for chairing 10 of more graduate student culminating research papers--2022 (recognized my chairing 32 master’s research papers since my last Milestone award)
  • Milestone Awards for Outstanding Mentoring of Graduate Students, UNI Graduate College--2017, 2015, and 2011

Publications available through the UNI Library, Scholarworks