Amy Lockhart, EdD

Assistant Professor

Clinical Experience Coordinator

Amy Lockhart

SEC 153M

(319) 273-2209

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Amy Lockhart, EdD

Assistant Professor

Clinical Experience Coordinator


area of specialty: Elementary

Teaching Interests

TEACHING 3128: Teacher as a Change Agent

Research Interests

Mentoring Pre-Service Teachers
Clinical based experiences for pre-service teachers

Professional Accomplishments

Lockhart, A., & Zeitz, L. (2012). Keyboarding camp!: Identifying the effects of 4th-grader characteristics on keyboarding proficiency. Journal for Computing Teachers.

Lockhart, Swanson & Heitzman (2003). The need for team building. National Association of Laboratory School Journal.

Henning, J. E., & Lockhart, A. (2003). Acquiring the art of classroom discourse: A comparison of teacher and preservice teacher talk in a fifth grade classroom. Research for Educational Reform, 8(3), 46-57.

Lockhart, A., & Vanderwall, R. (Spring 2004) History of Slavery website-Young adult literature and the history of slavery.