Shelley Price-Williams, PhD
Assistant Professor, Postsecondary Education

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Shelley Price-Williams, PhD
Assistant Professor, Postsecondary Education
What drove your interest in your discipline? My passion for advancing higher education leadership and research and preparing future professionals to work in higher education.
What attracted you to UNI and the College of Education? Excellent leadership, welcoming faculty and staff, and the opportunity to teach in my discipline on both the master's and doctoral level.
Why do you enjoy what you do? I felt great pride when a doctoral student trusted me to discuss their dissertation ideas even though I was not their current professor or faculty advisor. This is quite meaningful as it exemplifies that students value my guidance and welcome my feedback on research specific to higher education. This allows me to motivate and empower students and to share my passion for research on higher education.
What is your teaching philosophy? Teaching is a mechanism through which human growth can be fostered within and outside of the classroom. The exchange of knowledge involves reciprocity, modeling and leading and must embrace diversity in ideas as well as humanity. Teaching in education, more specifically, involves an element of helping and service to others. Teaching is self-rewarding, in that it allows for my own boundless growth and affords me the opportunity to help others maximize their potential. To be effective, it is my goal to provide a transformative experience for learning, in which I am participative in the process through self-learning and development. Transformative learning experiences expand beyond the acquisition and mastery of knowledge where the learner gains insight about themselves and their influence on the world around them. Key elements for a transformative learning experience are linking the past, present, and future of higher education to the curriculum; incorporation of global perspectives in the classroom; and use of innovative teaching methodologies.
What do you hope students learn from you? It is my hope that students develop critical perspectives through reflection and development of cultural competency for making decisions and leading in higher education to advance social justice and equity.
Her research interests center on non-cognitive factors of college student development and persistence, inclusion of non-dominant groups in the college environment, and multicultural organizational development.
Price-Williams, S.R., Nasser, Roger “Mitch”, & Sasso, P.A. (2020). The Competition of an American public good: Performance-based funding and other neoliberal tertiary effects in higher education. In E. Sengupta, P. Blessinger, and C. Mahoney (Eds.), Leadership strategies for promoting social responsibility in higher education (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 24) (pp. 175-189). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Price-Williams, S. R. & Maatita, F. C. (2019). Critical examination of tokenism and demands of organizational citizenship behavior among faculty women of color. In Thomas, U. (Ed.) Navigating micro-aggressions toward women in higher education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing.
Price-Williams, S. R., Sasso, P.A., & Nasser, Roger “Mitch”. (2019). Advocating equity and community through residential learning programs. In Hoffman, J., Blessinger, P., & Makhanya, M. (Eds.). Strategies for facilitating inclusive campuses in higher education: International perspectives in higher education. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing.