Sohyun Meacham, PhD
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research
Coordinator, EdD Program; Associate Professor, Literacy Education

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Sohyun Meacham, PhD
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research
Coordinator, EdD Program; Associate Professor, Literacy Education
Teaching Interests
- LITED1044 Children's Literature
- LITED3115 Methods of Teaching Early Literacy
- LITED3119 Language Development and Emergent Literacy
- LITED3121 Children's Literature for Diversity & Social Justice
- LITED4140 Assessment and Evaluation of Literacy
- LITED6212 Methods and Materials in Literacy Education
- LITED6238 Advanced Assessment and Evaluation of Literacy Development
- LITED6240 Language Development and Variability
- LITED6245 Ideological, Cultural, and Sociopolitical Issues in Children's Literature
- ELEMECML 4123 Methods of Teaching Visual and Performing Arts Integration in the Elementary Classroom
- CAP3121 Creativity and the Evolution of Culture
- INTDEPED7305 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research
- ELEMECML7354 Curriculum Implementation and Evaluation
- INSTTECH1031 Educational Technology and Design
- INSTTECH4170 Supporting Learning with Dynamic Web Design
Research Interests
Language Development in Classrooms
Professional Accomplishments
- Reggio Children (2023). Mosaic of marks, words, material [흔적, 말, 재료의 모자이크 (S. Meacham, & M. Oh Trans. In Korean)]. Reggio Emilia, Italy: Reggio Children. (Original work published in 2015)
- Meacham, S. (2023). Foundations of early literacy. in N. Gurjar, S. Meacham, & C. Beecher, Methods of teaching early literacy. Open Educational Resources Textbook.
- Meacham, S. (2023). Supporting literacy learning in the early childhood classroom. in N. Gurjar, S. Meacham, & C. Beecher, Methods of teaching early literacy. Open Educational Resources Textbook.
- Gurjar, N., & Meacham, S. (2023). Writing. in N, Gurjar, S. Meacham, & C. Beecher, Methods of teaching early literacy. Open Educational Resources Textbook.
- Beecher, C., Meacham, S., & Gurjar, N. (2023). Literacy instruction for diverse learners. in N, Gurjar, S. Meacham, & C. Beecher, Methods of teaching early literacy. Open Educational Resources Textbook.
- Gurjar, N., Meacham, S., & Beecher, C. (2023). Methods of teaching early literacy. Open Educational Resources Textbook.
- Kim, J., Wee, S., Han, S., & Meacham, S. (2023). Children’s names and naming practices: Wrestling with racism in Asian American families. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education.
- Wee, S., Meacham, S., & Kim, J. (2023). Being (Asian) American children: Children’s exploration of racial/cultural identity and racism. Race, Ethnicity, and Education.
- Meacham, S., Wee, S., Hsieh, W., Chen, O., & Davis, B. (2022). Searching for mirror books for young Asian/Asian-American children with disabilities. Asian American Literature: Discourses & Pedagogies, 11(2021/2022), 35-52.
- Meacham, S., Hsieh, W., Wee, S., Chen, P., & Davis, B. (2022). Disabilities portrayed in picturebooks with the Pura Belpré award. New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship.
- Meacham, S. (2021). Disabilities portrayed in picturebooks with the Américas Book Award. Journal of Latinos and Education.
- Meacham, S., Kim, J., Wee, S., & Kim, K. (2021). ReZoomⓒing our academic home using the suda(수다) approach. Qualitative Inquiry.
- Wee, S., Kura, K., & Meacham, S., (2021). “Half and half”: Racial identity development of multiracial Asian American children portrayed in children’s picturebooks. Journal of Children’s Literature, 47(1), 21-35.
- Choi, J. Y., Ryu, D., Van Pay, C., Meacham, S., & Beecher, C. C. (2021). Listening to Head Start teachers: Teacher beliefs, practices, and needs for educating dual language learners. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 54(1), 110-124.
- Kim, J., Wee, S., & Meacham, S. (2021). What is missing in our teacher education practices: A collaborative self-study of teacher educators with children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Studying Teacher Education, 17(1), 22-37.
- Meacham, S., Sudduth, C., & Chalstrom, D. (2021). Transformative pedagogy for creativity and sustainability in teacher education: Study-abroad, student organization, and service learning. in A. E. Lopez & E. L. Olan (Eds.), Reimagining transformative leadership in teacher education (pp. 91-106). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Meacham, S., & Han, M. (2021). Technology-augmented dolls, animals, and vehicles. in D. Bergen (Ed), The handbook of developmentally appropriate toys. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Meacham, S., & Han, M. (2021). Preschool teachers’ responsive interactions with the children in dramatic play and children’s vocabulary outcomes. In M. Han, & J. E. Johnson (Eds.), Play and Culture: Play & Culture Studies Volume 16 (pp.113-126). Hamilton Books.
- Pepanyan, M., & Meacham, S. (2021). Play element and dynamics of interaction in an adult L2 classroom with the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach. In M. Han, & J. E. Johnson (Eds.), Play and Culture: Play & Culture Studies Volume 16 (pp.145-164). Hamilton Books.
- Hernandez-Saca, D., Martin, J., & Meacham, S. (2020). The hidden elephant is oppression: Shaming, mobbing, and institutional betrayals within the academy-Finding strength in collaborative self-study. Studying Teacher Education, 16(1), 26-47.
- Meacham, S., & Almalki, S. (2019). Teachers’ interaction with a young child with ASD to support language and communication skills development: Comparing iPad and non-iPad use. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 10(2), 75-91.
- Meacham, S. J., Meacham, S., Thompson, M., & Graves, H. (2019). Hip-Hop early literacy in K-1 classrooms. The Reading Teacher.
- Marjanovic-Shane, A., Meacham, S., Choi, H., Lopez, S., & Matusov, E. (2019). Idea-dying in critical ontological democratic dialogue. Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction, 20, 68-79.
- Pepanyan, M., Meacham, S., & Logan, S. (2019). International students’ alienation in a U. S. higher ed institution. Journal for Multicultural Education.
- Meacham, S., & Atwood-Blaine, D. (2018). Early childhood robotics with inspirations from Reggio Emilia educators. Science & Children, 56(3), 57-62.
- Vander Zanden, S., Meacham, S., Frost, J., & Strange, J. (2017). A cello, a plane, and a garden: Reclaiming the context of play with young children to promote literacy. in R. J. Meyer & K. F. Whitmore (Eds.), Reclaiming early childhood literacies: Narratives of hope, power, and vision (pp. 259-268). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Meacham, S., Meacham, S. J., Kirkland-Holmes, G., & Han, M. (2017). Preschoolers’ author-illustrator study on Donald Crews. The Reading Teacher, 70(6), 741-746.
- Meacham, S. (2016). Preschoolers’ peer relationships and internally persuasive discourse. Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction 9, 95-104.
- Meacham, S., Vukelich, C., Han, M., & Buell, M. (2016). Teachers' responsiveness to preschoolers' utterances in sociodramatic play. Early Education and Development, 27(3), 318-335.
- Meacham, S. J., & Meacham, S. (2016). Pre-service teachers’ cultural competence development using multicultural children’s literature. in J. Kitchen, D. Tidwell, & L. Fitzgerald (Eds.), Self-study and diversity II (pp. 193-206). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
- Matusov, E., Marjanovic-Shane, A., & Meacham, S. (2016). Pedagogical voyeurism: Dialogic critique of documentation and assessment of learning. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 5(1), 1-26.
- Herring, M., Meacham, S., & Mourlam, D. (2016). TPACK development in higher education. in M. Herring, M. Koehler, & P. Mishra (Eds.), The second handbook of technological pedagogical content knowledge for educators (pp. 207-224). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Meacham, S. (2016). Strategies for teaching English language learners: Assessing young English language learners’ language and literacy. In C. Vukelich, J. Christie, & B. Enz, Helping young children learn language and literacy: Birth through kindergarten, 3rd Edition (in Ch 9, p.191-192). Allyn & Bacon.
- Meacham, S., Vukelich, C., Han, M., & Buell, M. (2014). Preschool teachers’ questioning in sociodramatic play. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29(4), 562-573.
- Han, M., Vukelich, C., Buell, M., & Meacham, S. (2014). Beating the odds: Longitudinal investigation of a low-income, dual-language and monolingual children’s English language and literacy performance. Early Education and Development, 25(6), 841-858.
- Meacham, S. J. & Meacham, S. (2014). Shifting boundaries: Self-study, race, and the global dimensions of racist representations in children’s literature. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (pp. 265-268). Auckland, New Zealand: The University of Auckland. (ISBN 13: 978-0-473-28679-8)
- Meacham, S., Vukelich, C., Han, M., & Buell, M. (2013). Preschool teachers’ language use during dramatic play. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 22(5), 250-267.
- Matusov, E., von Duyke, K., & Han, S.* (2013). Community of learners: Ontological and non-ontological projects. Outlines-Critical Studies. 14(1), 41 - 72. *Han is my maiden name.
- Oh, M., & Han, S.* (2004). Una bambina, il filo di ferro e la foglia del girasole (Eng.: A Child, wire, and a sunflower leaf). Bambini, 2004, 67-70. *Han is my maiden name.