Kathleen G. Scholl, PhD
Department Head, Health, Recreation and Community Services
Professor, Recreation, Tourism and Nonprofit Leadership

WRC 203
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Kathleen G. Scholl, PhD
Department Head, Health, Recreation and Community Services
Professor, Recreation, Tourism and Nonprofit Leadership
Kathy Scholl is a professor in the recreation, tourism and nonprofit leadership program within Health, Recreation and Community Services in the College of Education. Her current research focuses on how built and natural environments affect a broad spectrum of human well-being. This research encompasses human dimensions of socio-biological resiliency and sustainability. Her investigations explore the psychological, sociological and therapeutic benefits of nature and green space design, its effect on learning ecosystems and student attentional capacity, and landowner awareness and environmental identity. As society becomes increasingly aware of the relationship of well-being and the natural environment, our sense of place will more acutely inform our strategies for human sustainability and resiliency.
Scholl is also a certified therapeutic recreation specialist and advocates for the inclusion opportunities for individuals with and families impacted by disabilities. She serves on the community agency board, The Inclusion Connection, a disability advocacy organization.
Ph.D., CTRS - Recreation, Park, & Leisure Studies
University of Minnesota
Emphasis: Outdoor Recreation and Therapeutic Recreation
Dissertation: The influence of an inclusive outdoor recreation experience on families that have a child with a disability.
M.A.- Recreation Administration
California State University, Chico
Emphasis: Wilderness Education. Thesis: Empathy in outdoor leadership and leadership effectiveness.
B.A.- Physical Education
California State University, Chico
Emphasis: Sports Medicine & Athletic Training
Undergraduate Program
- Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation I
- Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation II
- Introduction to Leisure, Youth and Human Services
- Leadership in Leisure Services
- Philosophical Foundations of Leisure
- Principles of Outdoor Recreation
- Theory and Practice of Outdoor Education
- Trends and Issues in Outdoor Recreation
- Managing Recreation Impacts on the Natural Environment
- Experiences in Outdoor Programming: Project WET/AWARE
- Research and Evaluation in Leisure, Youth and Human Services
- Internship Supervision and Senior Project
Masters of Arts & Doctor of Education Program
- Evidence-Based Practices, Assessment, Accountability, & Program Evaluation
- Research Methods in Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services
- Social Psychology of Leisure
- Graduate Research Teams
Scholl, K., & Betrabet-Gulwadi, G. (accepted). Ecotherapy and Well-being: What are the connections? Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Good Health and Wellbeing. Springer.
Scholl, K. & Betrabet-Gulwadi, G. (2018). College Campus Landscapes within a Learning Ecosystem. Planning for Higher Education Journal, 46 (2), 1-15.
Betrabet-Gulwadi, G., & Scholl, K. (2017). Campus Infrastructure and Sustainable Resource Management Practices: Mapping Campus DNA for Human Resiliency. World Sustainability Series. Springer, pp 103-118.
Scholl, K., & Humphery, B. (July 2017). 2017 Dry Run Creek Landowner Watershed Awareness Survey Report. Submitted to Black Hawk Soil and Water Conservation District.
Scholl, K., & Gulwadi, G. (2015). Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces. Journal of Learning Spaces, 4(1). Retrieved from https://libjournal.uncg.edu/index.php/jls/article/view/972/777
Davison, A., & Scholl, K. (2017). Inclusive Recreation as Part of the IEP Process. In C. Curran and A. Peterson (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Classroom Diversity and Inclusive Education Practice (pp. 311-330). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Scholl, K., & Dunlap, T. (2010). Staff Training for Inclusion. In Human Kinetics (Ed.), Inclusive Recreation. (pp. 119-134). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Dieser, R., & Scholl, K. (2010). History, Legislation, and Standards. In Human Kinetics (Ed.), Inclusive Recreation. (pp.19-38). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Scholl, K., Glanz, A., & Davison, A. (2007). Importance-performance analysis to evaluate the quality of therapeutic recreation services. Expanding Horizons in Therapeutic Recreation, 23, 8-16.
Scholl, K., Dieser, R., & Davison, A. (2005). Together We Play: An Ecological Approach to Inclusive Recreation. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 39(4), 299-311.
Scholl, K., Smith, J. & Davison, A. (2005). Agency readiness to provide recreation and after-school services for children with disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 39(1), 47-62.
Scholl, K., & Davison, A. (2004). Review of the book Inclusion: Including people with disabilities in parks and recreation opportunities by L. Anderson, L., & C. B Kress. American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration, 22(4), 132-135.
Scholl, K., McAvoy, L., Rynders, J., & Smith, J. (2003). The Influence of an Inclusive Outdoor Recreation Experience on Families that have a Child with a Disability. Journal of Therapeutic Recreation, 37(1), 38-57.